Portrait Photos at Cranbrook Gardens FAQ

Why do I need a reservation? 
Your portrait photography registration helps keep the gardens looking beautiful and is an essential source of revenue for our nonprofit organization. 

As a National Historic Landmark with students and residents on campus, portrait photography is only permitted in select areas and for safety, must follow our campus and photography policies. Additionally, we host internal and special events on our grounds which may conflict with an unscheduled visit.

What does my reservation provide? 
Your reservation includes use of the exterior grounds and gardens surrounding Cranbrook House for up to 2 hours of photography. Popular areas include the Sunken Garden, the Reflecting Pool lawns, Turtle Fountain, the Japanese Garden, and the Cranbrook House Courtyard. 

Is my session private?  
Sessions are not private. The Gardens remain open to the public for touring during all scheduled sessions. Although there may be visitors exploring the gardens during your session, yours should be the only portrait photo session happening during the scheduled time. Please do not hold locations or hinder visitor access to walkways.

Can I use any indoor areas? 
No indoor areas are available. One reschedule will be permitted for severe weather at a mutually agreed time within the same calendar year.

Do I need to hire/bring a photographer? 
Yes. Cranbrook does not provide photographers. You may use an amateur or professional photographer during your session.

How many people can attend?  
To maintain the integrity of our historic grounds and retain access for other visitors, the maximum group size we permit is 16 people (not including your photographer).

How much is a session? 
1-4 people being photographed: $300
5-10 people being photographed: $500
11-16 people being photographed: $700

Sessions may not exceed 16 people (not including the photographer)

Each session is for a 2-hour block of time. 

If you are a Cranbrook Schools high school senior, Cranbrook employee, or current Cranbrook Schools family, please do not book online, email photos@cranbrook.edu for accommodation.

When are sessions offered?
Sessions are offered at select times from April through November. Please visit our Events Calendar to view and book an upcoming session. 

The Gardens are winterized in early October. Annuals will be removed, fountains turned off, and sculptures may be covered during April, May, October, and November sessions. In order to preserve the historic paths and flowerbeds, Cranbrook does not permit photo sessions in the colder months as the gardens are not maintained for ice and snow.

Can I schedule a session at a time not listed on your calendar?
The session times are not customizable and the schedule is subject to change. Session time is to be booked for photography only, no other activities should take place during your session time. Campus Security will patrol the grounds throughout the day.

When does registration open?
Registration for April through June 2025 sessions will open on Thursday, March 6, 2025. Please subscribe to our email list to be notified when these and other sessions are available. 

How do I book a session? 
Registration closes three business days in advance of each session at 9:00am. Please click the registration button at the bottom of this page to reserve your photography session. Only one client is booked per offered time. Please be sure to book the correct group size attending the session.

Are homecoming/prom photos permitted?
Homecoming/prom photography is only permitted for Cranbrook Schools students. 

Who can I contact?  
For questions about our photography policies or help with booking a photo session, please contact our Events Department at 248.645.3164 or photos@cranbrook.edu

Where do I park?
Parking is available in our main lot and on Lone Pine Road. Parking is permitted in marked spaces only.

Large vehicles must use the BUS DROP OFF area due to clearance limitations under our bridge.

Do not park vehicles in the Cranbrook House Courtyard. Parking on the drive south of the Cranbrook House Courtyard is for Cranbrook employees only.

Are the grounds accessible?
Cranbrook House & Gardens is a historic facility preserved and maintained as closely as possible to its original design. As such, there are certain natural and artificial surface conditions, such as grass, wood chips, stones, stairs, steep slopes, and uneven terrain which can make walking and use of a wheelchair difficult. Assistance for persons using wheelchairs or walkers is recommended. For more information on accessibility, please click here.

If the weather is poor, can I reschedule my session?
Sessions should be held rain or shine unless the weather threatens safety. In case of severe weather, your session can be rescheduled, no indoor areas may be used. Should you need to reschedule your session for severe weather, you must notify us prior to the session time via an email to photos@cranbrook.edu. Your same size session will be rescheduled for no additional fee at a time to be determined by Cranbrook in the same calendar year. Any part of a session taken will be considered completed in full. 

What if I need to cancel my session time? 
Due to the limited availability of these session times, all bookings are non-refundable but may be transferred to friends or family for the same date and time. In the rare event of severe weather that poses a safety risk to everyone involved, fees may be transferred to another date and time as determined by Cranbrook. Please contact us at photos@cranbrook.edu

Are there other policies?
By registering for a photography session, you agree to the photography, refund, insurance, and other policies stated on our Photography Session Terms and Conditions page.

Photo Credits 
Photo by Futurewave Images.