Shop Your Garden
Beth Lilley, Gardens Management Chair
Cranbrook House & Gardens Auxiliary
While at home, it may be a good time to look to your garden for “new” perennials. Spring is a good time to divide perennials that have outgrown their space, fill in blank spots in your garden, or for plant rejuvenation. A good rule of thumb for perennials that flower between early spring and mid-June is that the optimum time for division is early fall. Perennials that flower after mid-June can safely be divided in the spring as they have all spring and summer to recover from being divided.
Your divisions can be used to fill in blank spaces in your garden or potted up and given to a gardening neighbor/friend (be sure to follow social distancing guidelines). When the Conservatory Greenhouse reopens to the public, perennials can also be donated to Cranbrook House & Gardens to be sold at the next plant sale.